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Welcome to Moreton Bay - Our Story

Carmody's Royal Hotel in 1978Redcliffe BeachRedcliffe JettySeries of proofs - Buildings in the Pine Rivers ShireThe Morrison family home in the Samford Valley, 1907Caboolture River Bridge on Morayfield Road, ca. 1920sOpposite the Redcliffe Jetty  ca. 1925Bullock team hauling empty molasses tankers from the Normanby Distillery to the Strathpine Railway Station, ca. 1948 Hornibrook Highway ca. 1970


The Moreton Bay Local History Collection captures the history of the Moreton Bay Region, showing how our communities and suburbs have grown and changed over time, from the influences of large manufacturers, to the growth of our suburban centres and communities that are along the coastline and D'Aguilar Range.

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Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that content in this website and various linked websites may contain images, voices, or names of deceased persons.




Esplanade and Bathing Pavilion at MargateCentenary of Local Government (Caboolture Shire) processionPupils at Delaneys Creek School in 1934Norm Williamson was instrumental in moving for a water supply in CabooltureChurchJames Frederick (Jim) Martin and Florence Ada (Billie) BoyettAbbey Museum - Entrance WindowsFront of Corscadden's House - 4Bribie Island LibraryLower King Street Caboolture in 1920North Pine Dam floodgates opened after heavy rain, 1996Furlong House on Glass Mountain CreekTimber for the bargeCaboolture Post Office in 1959Clontarf Beach State School Grade IVC, 1964Flood waters from the South Pine River at Strathpine, April / May 1996Timber buildingMap of land sale at RedcliffeThe opening of the Caboolture sub-centre after renovationsDelaneys Creek School reunion on 7 November 1981ForestryCaboolture Fishing Club in 1924Hyde Homestead, North Pine Country Park, 1994January 2011 Flood Event - Centenary Lakes Caboolture in floodAerial view of the APM Petrie Mill nearing completion, ca. 1956Lakeside International Raceway, Lakeside Road Kurwongbah, 2006Fairfield - Slushing DepartmentRed CrossKippa-RingOur Lady Help of Christians SchoolNorth Pine River from Sweeney Reserve, Petrie, ca. 1996Aerial view of Australian Paper Mill at Petrie from a hot air balloon, 1994Bruce SimpsonHeritage Festival at the North Pine Country Park (as part of the Pine Rivers Festival, 6 June - 14 June)Group photographBulldozer and workers camp at Laceys CreekSwimming team - in Glasgow 1908Maurice and Penny Rose feeding chickensDayboro Railway Centenary - Cnr Williams and Heathwood Street Dayboro - 26 Sep 2020 - COVID signage on marqueeConstruction - Petrie Mill - 30 October 1956Various sites around the Pine Rivers Shire photographed during a Council tour at facilities in 1991Boys of Caboolture State Primary School in George Street CabooltureCastle Hill Estate, Dohles Rocks Road Murrumba Downs, ca. 1996Scaffolding around the construction of the building known as the Caboolture Hub, 4 Hasking Street CaboolturePicnic by the water under a shady treePetrie Railway Station, ca. 1990Bullock team hauling empty molasses tankers from the Normanby Distillery to the Strathpine Railway Station, ca. 1948The Ambrose King FamilyKen DayShelter shed construction

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Country across our region. We also acknowledge and pay our respects
to the Kabi Kabi, Jinibara and Turrbal Traditional Custodians, and their elders past, present and emerging.