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Aboriginal people of the Samsonvale district
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Aust House, later known as Samsonvale House, home of the pioneering Joyner family at Samsonvale, 1904
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Bullock teams carting pine logs to the rafting ground on the North Pine River, ca. 1890
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Committee members responsible for the first local fete at Samsonvale.
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Gold's Crossing in flood, Samsonvale, 1886
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John McKenzie's home at Fishery Pocket, North Pine River, south of Dayboro
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Milking by hand, Samsonvale district, late 19th century
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Silverwood Butter Factory, Terrors Creek (Dayboro), ca. 1903
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Terrors Creek Creamery, late 19th century
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Terrors Creek-Samsonvale combined choir
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Vote for Joyner - an electoral slogan painted on a bullock belong to John Gilliland's team, 1880
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William Charles Joyner (1846-1900) holding his infant son, Wilfred Stanley Joyner (1886-1966)

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Country across our region. We also acknowledge and pay our respects
to the Kabi Kabi, Jinibara and Turrbal Traditional Custodians, and their elders past, present and emerging.