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- Collection2
- Document4
- Photograph258
- Photographer...
- Harding, Ian 17
- Unknown 16
- Ewart, Mervyn (Merv) 13
- Armstrong, John 11
- Brisbane College of Advanced Education students 11
- Evans, Faye 11
- Evans, Trevor 11
- Foreman, Roger 11
- Pine Rivers Shire Council 7
- Near North Coast News 6
- Slaughter, Irene 6
- Bowles, Stanley 4
- Geeson, Nicola 4
- Gallagher, Wendy 3
- Quest Community Newspapers 3
- Rutter, Len 3
- Apelt, Ronald (Ron) 2
- Barter, Leith (Leith F.) 2
- Crane, Keith 2
- Devine Photographics 2
- Fraser, Alex 2
- McCafferty, Adam 2
- Powell, Ron 2
- Smith, Joycee 2
- Stanaway, Rae 2
- Torenbeek, Gerard 2
- Trittruf, L. 2
- Buchanan, Cec 1
- Caboolture Shire Council 1
- Johnston, Archibald 1
- Jones, Mr 1
- Murray Views 1
- Peterson, Mrs W. 1
- Purkiss 1
- Ryan, Tony 1
- Tutt, Stan 1
- Willmer, Eric 1
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- Beahan, Merle 22
- Pine Rivers Shire Council 22
- Harding, Ian 17
- Moreton Bay Regional Council 12
- Armstrong, John 11
- Evans, Faye 11
- Ewart, Mervyn (Merv) 11
- John Oxley Library, Brisbane 10
- Caboolture Historical Society 9
- Sampson, Frank 9
- Caboolture News 8
- Slaughter Family 5
- Rutter, Len 4
- Caboolture Shire Council 3
- Corscadden, Brenda 3
- Gallagher, Wendy 3
- Jackson, Mrs 3
- Redcliffe City Council 3
- Salisbury, L. 3
- Trittruf, L. 3
- Unknown 3
- Crane, Joan 2
- Fraser, Alex 2
- Jackson, A.D. 2
- McCafferty, Adam 2
- Molloy Family 2
- Powell, Ronald 2
- Turnbull (nee Wallin), Viola 2
- Brough, R. 1
- Buchanan, Cec 1
- Copied from Redcliffe Historical Society Photo 1
- Elson, Rex 1
- Herron, Mr 1
- Howard (nee Eising), June 1
- Huckbody, Len 1
- Johnston, Beryl 1
- Juster Family 1
- Lancashire, Rill 1
- Slaughter, Irene 1
- Welch, Melva 1
- Willmer, Eric 1
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- Photograph 246
- Postcard 8
- Aerial photograph 4
- Curated collection...
- Collection...
- Pine Rivers Library Photographic Collection 69
- Redcliffe Library Photographic Collection 66
- Caboolture Library Photographic Collection 58
- Redcliffe Museum Photographic Collection 34
- Evans Family Collection 11
- Redcliffe Peninsula and Surrounds Photographic Collection 11
- Festivals and events conducted in Pine Rivers Shire Council, 1992 5
- Wallin family photographs, ca. 1907 - 2004 2
- Elson family photographs 1
- George Pengwerne Matthews Collection 1
- Place...
- Redcliffe (Qld.) 53
- Caboolture (Qld.) 48
- Whiteside (Qld.) 24
- Scarborough (Qld.) 20
- Petrie (Qld.) 19
- Rothwell (Qld.) 12
- Wamuran (Qld.) 9
- Dayboro (Qld.) 8
- Woody Point (Qld.) 8
- Samsonvale (Qld.) 7
- Deception Bay (Qld.) 6
- Margate (Qld.) 6
- Samford (Qld.) 6
- Morayfield (Qld.) 5
- Terrors Creek (Qld.) 5
- Clontarf (Qld.) 4
- Kippa-Ring (Qld.) 3
- Albany Creek (Qld.) 2
- Bribie Island (Qld.) 2
- Brisbane (Qld.) 2
- Lawnton (Qld.) 2
- Upper Caboolture (Qld.) 2
- Woodford (Qld.) 2
- Bongaree (Qld.) 1
- Brendale (Qld.) 1
- Bunya (Qld.) 1
- Closeburn (Qld.) 1
- Mt. Mee (Qld.) 1
- Shrewsbury, England 1
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- Storage location...
- CLPC - Box 07 24
- RMPC - Album 03 22
- RLPC - Album 12 17
- PRLPC - Album P1150 - P1199 13
- PRLPC - Album P0951 - P1000 9
- RLPC - Album 01 7
- PRLPC - Album P0851 - P0912 6
- RLPC - Album 11 6
- RLPC - Album 16 6
- CLPC - Box 26 5
- MBPS - Album 0004 5
- PRLPC - Album P1071 - P1149 5
- PRLPC - Album P1400 - P1449 5
- PRLPC - Album P1570 - P1599 5
- RLPC - Album 04 5
- CLPC - Box 12 4
- CLPC - Box 16 4
- CLPC - Box 24 4
- RLPC - Album 15 4
- RLPC - Album 17 4
- RMPC - Album 01 4
- RMPC - Album 04 4
- CLPC - Box 13 3
- PRLPC - Album P0651 - P0700 3
- PRLPC - Album P1750 - P1793 3
- RLPC - Album 19 3
- CLPC - Box 03 2
- CLPC - Box 06 2
- CLPC - Box 19 2
- CLPC - Box 22 2
- CLPC - Box 28 2
- PRLPC - Album P0351 - P0482 2
- PRLPC - Album P1450 - P1499 2
- PRLPC - Album P1806 - P1809 2
- RLPC - Album 02 2
- RLPC - Album 03 2
- RLPC - Album 05 2
- RLPC - Album 06 2
- RLPC - Album 13 2
- RMPC - Album 07 2
- RMPC - Album 11 2
- CLPC - Box 10 1
- CLPC - Box 20 1
- MBPS - Box 0001 1
- MBPS - Box 0003 1
- PRLPC - Album P0087 - P0110 1
- PRLPC - Album P0483 - P0550 1
- PRLPC - Album P0601 - P0650 1
- PRLPC - Album P1001 - P1070 1
- PRLPC - Album P1200 - P1222 1
- PRLPC - Album P1301 - P1397 1
- PRLPC - Album P1600 - P1699 1
- PRLPC - Album P1700 - P1749 1
- PRLPC - Album P1810 - P1823 1
- RLPC - Album 07 1
- RLPC - Album 08 1
- RLPC - Album 09 1
- RLPC - Album 10 1
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