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- Artwork26
- Artist...
- Record type...
- Artwork 26
- Format type...
- Collection...
- Place...
- Curated collection...
- Storage location...
- Audio42
- Book Shop23
- Personal author...
- Gee, Patricia, 1945- 7
- Barter, Leith (Leith F.) 2
- McInnes, William, 1963- 2
- Blake, Thom (Thomas Wesley), 1953- 1
- Brown, Frank 1
- Buchanan, Robyn 1
- Clayton, E.E. (Ted) 1
- Cowburn, Hazel 1
- Dean, Sue 1
- Ewart, Mervyn (Merv) 1
- Fairhall, Patricia 1
- Fedrick, Gladys 1
- Fields, Pat 1
- Geeson, Nicola 1
- Grant, Marj 1
- Lergessner, James G. 1
- Mace, Minnie 1
- Osborne, Peter, 1962- 1
- Pitcher, Michael 1
- Rutherford, Margaret 1
- Smith, Michelle 1
- Stapleton, Jack V. 1
- Stevens, Eric L. 1
- Welch, Melva A. 1
Show More - Author - Organisation...
- Moreton Bay (Qld. 4
- Moreton Bay (Qld. 3
- Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs 1
- Caboolture (Qld. 1
- Caboolture (Qld. 1
- Moreton Bay Region Libraries 1
- Moreton Bay Region Libraries 1
- Redcliffe (Qld.). Council 1
- Redcliffe City Council (Qld.) 1
- Redcliffe City Council (Qld.) 1
- State Library of Queensland 1
Show More - Collection...
- Personal author...
- CD-ROM330
- Personal author...
- Donohoe, James Hugh, 1941- 4
- Sainty, Malcolm R.; Johnson, Keith A. 3
- Baxter, Carol (Carol J.) 2
- Blagg, Thomas M. (Thomas Matthews); Wadsworth, F. Arthur 2
- Boothby, Josiah, 1837-1916 2
- Jaunay, Graham, 1944- 2
- Meston, Archibald, 1851-1924 2
- Pugh, T. P. (Theophilus P.) 2
- Trinder, Aileen; Fearnley, Pat 2
- Uebel, Lesley 2
- Ainsworth, Joan 1
- Ballarin, Genevieve 1
- Bartholomew, John, 1831-1893 1
- Bartlett, George S.; Bartlett, Aubrey George 1
- Brabner, J. H. F. 1
- Cantwell, Ian, 1949-; Cantwell, Brian J. 1
- Cary, John, 1754-1835 1
- Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 1821-1882; Foster, Joseph, 1844-1905 1
- Craig, W. W. (William Waters) 1
- Cummings, Di 1
- Cummings, Diane 1
- Dalton, Charles, 1850-1913 1
- Debnam, Ray 1
- Digges, J. J. 1
- Eipper, Christopher 1
- Farrar, Henry 1
- Foster, Joseph, 1844-1905; Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 1821-1882 1
- Franklyn, H. Mortimer 1
- Glass, Gloria J. (Gloria Jeanette) 1932- 1
- Gregory, Ronald 1
- Haines, Robin; Slattery, Greg; Jeffery, Judith 1
- Handran, George B. 1
- Harris, Phillip L. (Phillip Lawrence) 1
- Hart, H. G. (Henry George), 1808-1878 1
- Heaton, J. Henniker (John Henniker), 1848-1914 1
- Howitt, A. W. (Alfred William), 1830-1908 1
- James, Dooley; Natalie; Avery, David; Saul, Damien; Wheeler, Paul; Timms, Darryl; Smith, Al; Simon, Margaret 1
- Jefferson, Bruce, comp 1
- Johnson, Keith A.; Sainty, Malcolm R. 1
- Jones, Daryl 1
- Knight, J. J. 1
- Knight, Marjory 1
- Kopittke, Eric; Kopittke, Rosemary 1
- Kopittke, Peter 1
- Kopittke, Rosemary 1
- Larson, Peter, 1956- 1
- Ludlow, Peter 1
- Macphail, Myles 1
- McIvor, Shirley, comp; McIvor, Trevor, comp; Wharton, Mark, comp 1
- McLeod, Thomas 1
- Morrison, W. Frederic 1
- Murray, Pembroke Lathrop 1
- Oxley, John, 1783-1828 1
- Petrie, Tom, 1831-1910; Petrie, Constance Campbell 1
- Reid, Ralph S. 1
- Reid, Ralph S., 1936- 1
- Salisbury, Henry Ernest, b.1875; Salisbury, Lewis Morton 1
- Schaffer, Irene; McKay, Thelma 1
- Statton, Jill; Thomas, Jan 1
- Stemp, Pat, 1943-; Trinder, Aileen 1
- Tardif, Phillip, 1958- 1
- Trinder, Aileen; Deane, M. E.; Stemp, Pat, 1943- 1
- Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882 1
- Vine Hall, N. J. (Nicholas John), 1944- 1
- Whitworth, Robert P. (Robert Percy) 1831-1901 1
- Whitworth, Robert P. (Robert Percy), 1831-1901 1
- Wildman, Owen 1
Show More - Corporate author...
- Archive CD Books Australia 48
- Archive CD Books Project; National Archives (Great Britain) 34
- Archive Digital Books Australasia 24
- Great Britain. Public Record Office; Archive CD Books Project 17
- Queensland Family History Society 12
- S&N British Data Archive 8
- Pastkeys; Gould Genealogy 5
- South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society; Macbeth Genealogical Services 5
- Toowoomba & Darling Downs Family History Society, Inc 5
- Archive Digital Books Australasia; Gould Genealogy 4
- Archive Digital Books Australia 4
- Society of Australian Genealogists 4
- Genealogical Society of Queensland; Metropolitan Funerals 3
- Pastoral review; Archive CD Books Australia 3
- Archive CD Books Project 2
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2
- Genealogical Society of Queensland 2
- Gould Genealogy 2
- Queensland. Dept. of Natural Resources 2
- Victoria. Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages 2
- Western Australian Genealogical Society 2
- Wise's Directories (Firm); Archive CD Books Australia 2
- Anguline Research Archives 1
- Archive CD Books Australia; Gould Genealogy 1
- Archive Digital Books Australasia; Wise's Directories (Firm) 1
- Archives Office; Genealogical Society of Victoria 1
- Australia. Army. Australian Imperial Force (1914-1921); Archive CD Books Australia 1
- Australia. Army. Australian Imperial Force (1914-1921); Gould Genealogy; Archive Digital Books Australasia 1
- Australia. Dept. of Defence; Archive CD Books Australia 1
- Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies 1
- Beanbag (Musical group); Funky Love Tank (Musical group); Huupercon (Musical group); Greenskin (Musical group); Thesis (Musical group); Swim (Musical group) 1
- Caboolture (Qld. 1
- Caboolture (Qld. 1
- Caboolture (Qld. 1
- Darling Downs Family History Society 1
- Docklands Ancestors Ltd 1
- DutchGenealogy.Com 1
- F.F. Bailliere (Firm) 1
- Family History Group of Bathurst 1
- Federation of Family History Societies 1
- Gene-Allergy Software 1
- Genealogical Research Directory 1
- Genealogical Society of Queensland, issuing body; Metropolitan Funerals 1
- Genealogical Society of Queensland; Alex Gow Funeral Directors 1
- Genealogical Society of Queensland; Cannon and Cripps Funeral Directors 1
- Genealogical Society of Queensland; K. M. Smith Funeral Directors 1
- Genealogical Society of Victoria. Descendants of Convicts Group 1
- Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory; Macbeth Genealogical Services 1
- Great Britain. Colonial Land and Emigration Commission; Archive CD Books Australia 1
- Great Britain. Local Government Board 1
- Great Britain. Public Record Office; S&N British Data Archive 1
- Ireland. Registrar-General 1
- Moreton Bay (Qld. 1
- New South Wales. Government Gazette; Pastkeys; Gould Genealogy 1
- New Zealand Society of Genealogists 1
- Nottinghamshire Family History Society 1
- P.G.H. Industries Limited 1
- Pine Rivers (Qld. 1
- Queensland. Dept. of Child Safety 1
- Queensland. Supreme Court; Archive CD Books Australia 1
- Samford Historical Society; Golden Valley Keperra Lions Club 1
- Society of Australian Genealogists; Macquarie Park Cemetery 1
- South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society 1
- State Library of Victoria; Macbeth Genealogical Services 1
- Sydney Morning Herald 1
- Tasmania. Archives Office; Macbeth Genealogical Services 1
- The Bribie Island Catholic Men's Choir 1
- Wise's Directories (Firm) 1
- Wise's Directories (Firm); Archive Digital Books Australasia 1
Show More - Record type...
- Storage location...
- Personal author...
- Collection139
- Title...
- Floods - February 2022 2
- Aerial photographs taken for planning study, Pine Rivers Shire Council 1
- Alan Stevenson Collection 1
- Alexander Bruce Black Collection 1
- Alf Moore Collection 1
- Althea Giuliani Collection 1
- Amcor Ltd - Petrie Paper Mill employees - Oral History project 1
- Archaeology of Queensland's First Settlement Site 1
- Australian Paper Manufacturers (APM) (now Amcor), images of early development, ca. 1940-1996 1
- Australian Paper Manufacturers (APM) - Petrie Mill photographs 1
- Bancroft Baths 2004 Archaeological Study 1
- Bancroft family collection 1
- Bongaree Neighbourhood Watch Collection 1
- Buckby Family Collection 1
- Burials in the Pine Rivers Shire, research notes 1
- Burpengary Progress Association Collection 1
- Caboolture Library Photographic Collection 1
- Caboolture Post Office - Telstra exchange mural 1
- Caboolture Shire Council - Oral history program 1
- Caboolture Shire Council Aerial Photographs 1
- Cadastral 20 Chain Series 1
- Cadastral 4 Chain Series 1
- Cadastral Humpy Bong Maps 1
- Caldwell collection 1
- Camp Ritter Collection 1
- Cemetery Tours 1
- City of Moreton Bay 1
- Colin Moorhead Collection 1
- Collection of photographs depicting the Koopa and crew 1
- Collection of photographs relating to the Koopa, 1912-1939 1
- Construction of the Caboolture Hub, Hasking Street Caboolture, 2010-2011 1
- Cricket Score Book Collection 1
- D'Aguilar Range - Oral history project 1
- Deception Bay Heritage Trail - 2021 1
- Deception Bay Progress Association Memorabilia 1
- Dr Kamara Sydney-Smith Collection 1
- Duncombe Family Collection 1
- Eite Family Collection 1
- Elson family photographs 1
- Enright family papers 1
- Evans Family Collection 1
- Festivals and events conducted in Pine Rivers Shire Council, 1992 1
- Flood photographs taken during heavy rain, 1996 1
- Garland family photographs 1
- Geoff Archer Collection 1
- George Griffin papers, 1840, 1847-1851 1
- George Pengwerne Matthews Collection 1
- Hastie family papers 1
- Henry Morgan photographs of the Redcliffe area, 1960-1979 1
- Heritage Collection 1
- Historical Audios - Pine Rivers Shire Council 1
- Historical Videos - Pine Rivers Shire Council 1
- Historical Videos - Redcliffe City Council 1
- Houghton family papers, 1937-1959 1
- Ian Fairweather Photograph Collection 1
- Ian Harding Photographic Collection 1
- Inter Focus - a photographic exhibition... 1
- James Family Collection 1
- James Robert Hughes architectural drawings, ca. 1940-1960 1
- Janet Davis Gayundah Collection 1
- January 2011 flood event in the Moreton Bay Region 1
- John Stevenson papers, 1989-2016 1
- Journal Collection 1
- Karen Wallwork - Beachmere History and Research Collection 1
- Lakeside International Raceway, 2006 1
- Lawnton Swimming Pool photographs, promotional events, 1990s 1
- Local Aboriginal Languages Project 1
- Local History 1
- Maps and Plans 1
- Maps of Early Houses of Petrie 1
- Marc Clark Collection 1
- Margate Methodist Youth Centre Collection 1
- Martin Family Collection 1
- Melva Welch Collection 1
- Messages of Hope - Living Faith Lutheran Primary School 1
- Microform 1
- Miscellaneous Research papers compiled by Melva Welch 1
- Moreton Bay Manuscript Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Marathon, 1986-1989 1
- Moreton Bay Multimedia Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Oral History Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Photographic Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Photographic Series Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Reference File Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Region Local History Publications 1
- Moreton Bay Region War Memorials 1
- Moreton Bay Region World War I Service Personnel 1
- Moreton Bay Region in 2020 1
- Museum Exhibition Photographs 1
- Museums 1
- My Family History Journey Collection 1
- Newspaper Collection 1
- North Lakes Community Women's Group Collection 1
- Official Opening of the Pine Rivers Shire Council building on 5 March 1960 1
- Our COVID-19 Story 1
- Our First Nations Elder Stories 1
- Our Refugee Stories 1
- Our Vietnam Veteran Stories 1
- Parish Maps - 40 Chain AG2 Series 1
- Park and Reserve Naming 1
- Periodical and Newsletter Collection 1
- Photographs of industries and structures in former Pine Rivers Shire 1
- Pine Rivers Land Records prior to 1952 1
- Pine Rivers Library Photographic Collection 1
- Pine Rivers Shire Council - Oral history program 1
- Portraits of Dayboro district residents, 1890 - 1920 1
- Proof sheets from Tom Richards family photographs, ca. 1988 1
- Proof sheets from publication Tracks and Times, 1988 1
- Queensland Brands Directories 1
- R. J. Apelt Samsonvale Cemetery 1988 Conservation Management Plan 1
- Rare Map Collection 1
- Records of the Samsonvale Rifle Club, ca. 1891-1936 1
- Redcliffe - Scarborough Pensioners Hall 1
- Redcliffe City Council - Oral history program 1
- Redcliffe Convict Artwork Collection - Barry Kidd 1
- Redcliffe Freemasons and Masonic Lodge Collection 1
- Redcliffe Library Photographic Collection 1
- Redcliffe Museum Photographic Collection 1
- Redcliffe Peninsula and Surrounds Photographic Collection 1
- Research papers on schools in former Pine Rivers Shire Council area 1
- Road and Street Naming 1
- Rose Family Beachmere Collection 1
- Sampson family research files and notes 1
- Samsonvale cemetery, headstones and landscape photographs, 1988 1
- Simon Family Collection 1
- Stubbings Strain Collection 1
- Terry White Collection 1
- Terry White's Redcliffe Peninsula Early Days Framed Photographs Collection 1
- Thomas James Rothwell papers 1
- Tubbs family papers 1
- Violet and Spencer Browne papers, ca. 1885 1
- Viv Tucker Deception Bay History Collection 1
- Wallin family photographs, ca. 1907 - 2004 1
- Walter Henry Mills war diary (WWI) 1
- Warbrick family papers, 1900-1921 1
- Woodford Historical Society 1
Show More - Part of collection...
- Moreton Bay Photographic Series Collection 57
- Moreton Bay Manuscript Collection 25
- Local History 21
- Moreton Bay Oral History Collection 9
- Maps and Plans 7
- Moreton Bay Multimedia Collection 5
- Melva Welch Collection 4
- City of Moreton Bay 3
- Museums 2
- Moreton Bay Artwork Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Reference File Collection 1
- Moreton Bay Regional Council 1
- Terry White Collection 1
Show More - Subject (keywords)...
- clubs, associations, societies etc. 6
- pioneers 4
- forestry 3
- manufacturing 3
- paper 3
- World War 1 (WWI) (1914-1918) 2
- aerial photographs 2
- artists 2
- burial grounds 2
- cemeteries 2
- churches 2
- commercial establishments 2
- councillors 2
- festivals, celebrations etc. 2
- floods 2
- graves 2
- housing developments 2
- journals 2
- local government 2
- monuments & memorials 2
- primary schools 2
- rivers 2
- roads & streets 2
- Aboriginal culture 1
- Aboriginal elders 1
- Australia. Australian Army. Australian Imperial Force (1914-1921) 1
- Freemasons 1
- Vietnam War 1
- accidents & disasters 1
- aerial views 1
- agricultural activities 1
- archaeological sites 1
- architectural drawings 1
- avenues 1
- avenues of honour 1
- aviators 1
- bands 1
- beaches 1
- boarding houses 1
- books 1
- branding 1
- building blocks (land) 1
- building construction 1
- buses 1
- camping 1
- cars 1
- community centres 1
- concerts 1
- construction sites 1
- convicts 1
- creeks 1
- cricket teams 1
- dams & reservoirs 1
- disease prevention 1
- diseases 1
- eisteddfods 1
- elevations 1
- families 1
- farming 1
- farms 1
- fashion parades 1
- ferries 1
- financial documents 1
- fish shops 1
- fishing (work) 1
- fishing boats 1
- fishing nets 1
- flood damage 1
- food supply 1
- fords 1
- government records 1
- halls 1
- health promotion 1
- historic buildings 1
- historic sites 1
- historical costumes 1
- holidays (vacations) 1
- houses 1
- housing estates 1
- industrial buildings 1
- land sales 1
- land use 1
- landowners 1
- literature 1
- marathon 1
- medical sciences & health 1
- minute books 1
- minutes 1
- mosaics 1
- motor racing 1
- murals 1
- museums 1
- natural phenomena 1
- nature reserves 1
- newspaper clippings 1
- official buildings 1
- openings (events) 1
- parks 1
- passenger ships 1
- penal settlements 1
- pensioners 1
- politicians 1
- post offices 1
- private hotels 1
- promotional events 1
- railway stations 1
- rain 1
- re-enactments 1
- registers (books) 1
- running races 1
- schools & colleges 1
- sculptors 1
- ships 1
- shipwrecks 1
- shooting (sports) 1
- shops 1
- shows & exhibitions 1
- soldiers 1
- speedways 1
- sports 1
- stations (properties) 1
- stock handling 1
- students 1
- swimming pools 1
- teenagers 1
- town criers 1
- vaccination 1
- war 1
Show More
- Title...
- Curated Collection6
- Document195
- Personal author...
- Welch, Melva 14
- Wallwork, Karen 9
- Tucker, Viv 4
- Griffin, George 3
- Algate, Alison 2
- Buckby, John 2
- Allars, R.T. 1
- Apelt, Ronald (Ron) 1
- Armstrong, Werona 1
- Barron (nee Wallin), Rosa 1
- Boardman, Julie 1
- Bobongie, Dennis 1
- Byrne, Sue 1
- Elam, Merry Anne 1
- Evans, Robert 1
- Fairweather, Ian, 1891-1974 1
- Flack, Edmund 1
- Gee, Pat 1
- Goulding, David 1
- Grasby, A. 1
- Honour, T. C. (Acting Director - Information Branch) 1
- Howes, Morton 1
- Jeffrey, James 1
- Johnston, Laura 1
- Joyner, William Charles 1
- Lichtwark, Sue 1
- Matthews, George Pengwerne 1
- McPherson, Robert 1
- Mills, Walter Henry, 1886 - 1961 1
- Moorhead, Colin 1
- Nicholson, Judi 1
- Nolan, Zoe 1
- Penson, Isabella 1
- Pitcher, Michael 1
- Pratt, Rod 1
- Troyahn, Ray 1
- Turnbull, George 1
- Turnbull, Viola 1
Show More - Corporate author...
- North Lakes Community Women's Group Inc. 11
- Moreton Bay Regional Council 5
- The Courier Mail 4
- Caboolture Shire Council 2
- Deception Bay Times 2
- Queensland Government Printer 2
- Redcliffe City Council 2
- Commissioner for Community Relations 1
- Dayboro Cooperative Dairy Association 1
- Deception Bay State School 1
- Department of Primary Industries 1
- Friends of Caboolture Shire Libraries Association Inc. 1
- Nature Play Qld 1
- Samsonvale Rifle Club 1
- Stanley River State Primary Schools' Amateur Athletic Association 1
- The North Coast and Stanley District News 1
- University of Queensland Press 1
- Woodford Historical Society 1
- Woodford RSL Sub Branch 1
Show More - Record type...
- Document 65
- Ephemera 63
- Newspaper article 20
- Land record 12
- Scrapbook 8
- Letter 5
- Diary 4
- Storyboard 3
- Calendar 2
- Directory 2
- Index 2
- Minutes 2
- Bible 1
- Financial 1
- Log book 1
- Photo album 1
Show More - Format type...
- Physical 81
- Digital 54
- Loose page 40
- Book 20
- Unpublished 16
- Folder 12
- Published 12
- Volume 4
- Collection...
- Redcliffe Museum Photographic Collection 26
- Pine Rivers Library Photographic Collection 17
- Caboolture Library Photographic Collection 15
- Pine Rivers Land Records prior to 1952 14
- Moreton Bay Manuscript Collection 13
- Wallin family photographs, ca. 1907 - 2004 12
- North Lakes Community Women's Group Collection 11
- Karen Wallwork - Beachmere History and Research Collection 9
- Simon Family Collection 9
- Elson family photographs 6
- Redcliffe Library Photographic Collection 6
- Duncombe Family Collection 5
- Alan Stevenson Collection 4
- My Family History Journey Collection 4
- Viv Tucker Deception Bay History Collection 4
- Brennan Family Collection 3
- George Griffin papers, 1840, 1847-1851 3
- Our COVID-19 Story 3
- Stubbings Strain Collection 3
- Woodford Historical Society 3
- Buckby Family Collection 2
- Our First Nations Elder Stories 2
- Queensland Brands Directories 2
- Archaeology of Queensland's First Settlement Site 1
- Australian Paper Manufacturers (APM) (now Amcor), images of early development, ca. 1940-1996 1
- Burpengary Progress Association Collection 1
- Caldwell collection 1
- Colin Moorhead Collection 1
- D'Aguilar Range - Oral history project 1
- Deception Bay Sea Baths Collection 1
- Garland family photographs 1
- George Pengwerne Matthews Collection 1
- Ian Fairweather Photograph Collection 1
- Inter Focus - a photographic exhibition… 1
- Local History Publications 1
- R. J. Apelt Samsonvale Cemetery 1988 Conservation Management Plan 1
- Records of the Samsonvale Rifle Club, ca. 1891-1936 1
- Rose Family Beachmere Collection 1
- Samsonvale cemetery, headstones and landscape photographs, 1988 1
- Walter Henry Mills war diary (WWI) 1
Show More - Place...
- Redcliffe (Qld.) 22
- Deception Bay (Qld.) 17
- North Lakes (Qld.) 11
- Beachmere (Qld.) 10
- Margate (Qld.) 9
- Strathpine (Qld.) 9
- Caboolture (Qld.) 8
- Petrie (Qld.) 7
- Narangba (Qld.) 6
- Bribie Island (Qld.) 5
- Dayboro (Qld.) 5
- Queensland 4
- Woody Point (Qld.) 4
- Brisbane (Qld.) 3
- Samsonvale (Qld.) 3
- Whiteside (Qld.) 3
- Woodford (Qld.) 3
- Burpengary (Qld.) 2
- Camp Mountain (Qld.) 2
- Clontarf (Qld.) 2
- Currumbin (Qld.) 2
- Lawnton (Qld.) 2
- Mt. Mee (Qld.) 2
- Neurum (Qld.) 2
- Southport (Qld.) 2
- Toorbul (Qld.) 2
- Villeneuve (Qld.) 2
- Australia 1
- Campbells Pocket (Qld.) 1
- D'Aguilar Range (Qld.) 1
- Donnybrook (Qld.) 1
- Gympie (Qld.) 1
- Malaya 1
- Maleny (Qld.) 1
- Moreton Island (Qld.) 1
- Samford (Qld.) 1
- Scarborough (Qld.) 1
- South Australia 1
- Terrors Creek (Qld.) 1
- Tewantin (Qld.) 1
- Wamuran (Qld.) 1
- Warwick (Qld.) 1
Show More - Event...
- Personal author...
- Event15
- Name...
- 2011 Floods 1
- 2022 Floods 1
- Anzac Day 1
- Australian Bicentenary 1
- COVID-19 Pandemic 1
- Camp Mountain train crash 1
- Christmas 1
- Easter 1
- Korean War (1950-1953) 1
- Labour Day 1
- NAIDOC Week 1
- Vietnam War (1962-1973) 1
- World Expo '88 1
- World War 1 (WWI) (1914-1918) 1
- World War 2 (WWII) (1939-1945) 1
Show More - Alternative name...
- Name...
- Exhibition12
- External Link13
- Journal5
- Collection...
- Place...
- Journal and Newspaper1391
- Decade...
- 2000-2009 195
- 2010-2019 191
- 1980-1989 173
- 1970-1979 166
- 1990-1999 153
- 1960-1969 140
- 1950-1959 116
- 1940-1949 69
- 1930-1939 67
- 1910-1919 48
- 1920-1929 42
- 2020-2029 9
- 1890-1899 5
- 1880-1889 3
- 1830-1839 1
- 1870-1880 1
- 1880-1930 1
- 1920-1939 1
- 1930-1950 1
- 1969-1972 1
- 1980-2000 1
- 2000-2316 1
- 2000-2317 1
- 2000-2318 1
- 2000-2319 1
- 2000-2320 1
- 2000-2321 1
- 2000-2322 1
- 2000-2323 1
- 2010-2029 1
Show More - Record type...
- Format type...
- Single volume 635
- Bound volume 239
- Microfilm roll 129
- Electronic 3
- Newspaper...
- The Redcliffe and Bayside Herald 84
- Pine Rivers Press 80
- The Bribie Islander 63
- The Redcliffe Herald 53
- North West News 49
- Near North Coast News 39
- Northern Times (Strathpine, Qld. 36
- The Village Pump 36
- Caboolture Near North Coast News 32
- Caboolture Shire Herald 29
- Bribie Weekly 28
- Northern times (Pine Rivers ed. 19
- Caboolture News 18
- Caboolture Herald 16
- Kilcoy Sentinel 16
- The Westerner 16
- Northern Times (Caboolture ed. 15
- Progress Reporter 14
- The South Pine Echo 13
- Moreton Mail 7
- Stanley River Herald 7
- The Humpybong Weekly and Advertiser 7
- Northern times (Caboolture-Bribie Island ed. 6
- Samford Times 6
- Bribie Times 5
- South Pine Chronicle 5
- Caboolture Times 3
- Dolphin News 3
- Bribie Star 2
- Caboolture & Bribie Times 2
- Caboolture & Pine Suburban Express 2
- Caboolture Chronicle 2
- Island and Mainland News 2
- North Coast Comet 2
- Peninsula Pine Bugle 2
- Peninsula Post 2
- Pine & Peninsula Record 2
- Redcliffe Bugle (1993-1994) 2
- Redcliffe Echo 2
- Redcliffe and Pines Express 2
- Suburban Express 2
- The Bribie Islander 2
- The Peninsula Post 2
- The Valley Whistler 2
- Caboolture Post 1
- Dayboro Times & Moreton Mail 1
- Moreton mail 1
- Mountain News 1
- Nambour Chronicle 1
- Peninsula Area Bugle 1
- Pine & Caboolture Suburban Express 1
- Pine Record 1
- Pine Rivers Mirror 1
- Pine Rivers News 1
- Pine Rivers and Bribie Island Star 1
- Redcliffe Bugle (1998-2004) 1
- Redcliffe Peninsula Star 1
- Sentinel News 1
- The Bribie Islander 1
- The Brisbane Mail and South Queensland Courier 1
- The Great Divide 1
- The Northern Advocate 1
- The Northern Districts Leader 1
- The Redcliffe & District Times 1
Show More - Journal...
- Queensland Agricultural Journal 592
- Wokari 26
- Bay News 17
- Place...
- Queensland 592
- Strathpine (Qld.) 228
- Redcliffe (Qld.) 187
- Caboolture (Qld.) 164
- Bribie Island (Qld.) 109
- Samford (Qld.) 65
- Dayboro (Qld.) 17
- Kilcoy (Qld.) 17
- Woodford (Qld.) 17
- Humpybong (Qld.) 7
- Brisbane (Qld.) 1
- Mt. Nebo (Qld.) 1
- Nambour (Qld.) 1
- Sydney (N.S.W.) 1
Show More
- Decade...
- Library Catalogue3843
- Personal author...
- Pine Rivers (Qld. 67
- Outram, Warwick 42
- Johnson, Eileen B. 34
- McClelland, James 27
- Welch, Melva A. 27
- Fisher, Rod, 1942- 16
- Skennerton, Ian D. 15
- Pine Rivers (Qld. 14
- Eward, Merv 14
- Ludlow, Peter 14
- Ewart, Merv 13
- Lergessner, James G. 13
- Smee, C. J. (Craig James) 13
- Fairhall, Patricia 12
- Johnson, Eileen 12
- Outram, Warwick, author 12
- Gee, Patricia, 1945- 11
- Powell, Ron 10
- Devaney, James, 1890-1976 10
- Tutt, Stan, 1914-2011 10
- Hicks, Shauna, author 9
- Handford, Nourma 8
- Queensland. Co-Ordinator General's Dept. Cities Commission 8
- Winn, Rhylle, 1949-2019 8
- Blake, Thom (Thomas Wesley), 1953- 7
- Num, Cora 7
- Paton, Chris, 1970- 7
- Statton, Jill 7
- Argent, Sandy, 1918- 6
- Baxter, Carol (Carol J.) 6
- Duell, Jack 6
- Gannon, Ray 6
- Hicks, Shauna 6
- Holthouse, Hector 6
- McInnes, William, 1963- 6
- Millward, S. L. (Sharon) 6
- Sked, Jan 6
- Teague, D. R. (David R.) 6
- Winn, R. M., 1949-2019 6
- Kopittke, Eric 5
- Clark, C. M. H. (Charles Manning Hope), 1915-1991 5
- Finger, Jarvis 5
- Fowler, Simon 5
- Fraser, D. W. (Douglas Were) 5
- Marks, Elizabeth N. (Elizabeth Nesta), 1918-2002 5
- Pine Rivers Shire Council Town Planning Department 5
- Reakes, Janet, 1952- 5
- Hanson, Bev 4
- Kershaw, Helen, editor 4
- Kopittke, Rosemary 4
- Sainty, Malcolm R. 4
- Adolph, Anthony 4
- Australian Heritage Commission 4
- Donald, Ron 4
- Eastgate, Marianne 4
- Fitzgerald, Ross, 1944- 4
- Geeson, Nicola 4
- Grant, E. M. 4
- Hall, Barbara, 1942- 4
- John Wilson and Partners 4
- Johnson, Keith A. 4
- Kerr, John, 1942-2003 4
- Kielly, W. O. J. 4
- Kopittke, Eric 4
- Kopittke, Rosemary 4
- Larkin, David A. (David Austin), 1954- 4
- Longhurst, Robert 4
- Mackaness, George, 1882-1968 4
- Martin, Robert 4
- Matthews, Tony, 1949- 4
- McCall, Rupert 4
- McFarland, David C. 4
- Paterson, Lance, 1934-, author 4
- Pearn, John 4
- Roth, Walter Edmund, 1861?-1933 4
- Shaw, Barry, 1947- 4
- St. Pierre, John 4
- Wallin, Ann 4
- Australian Military 3
- Fairhall, Patricia 3
- Gambier, Royston 3
- Harrison, Jennifer 3
- Johnson, Eileen B. 3
- Jones, Doreen 3
- Lowien, Noela 3
- Mary Maher & Associates 3
- Petrie, Constance Campbell 3
- Rankin, G. (Gillian) 3
- Ross, E. M. (Estelle M.) 3
- Saul, M. A. (Margaret A.) 3
- South East Queensland Water Board 3
- Twining, Sandra 3
- Welch, Melva A. 3
- Alick, Terrence (Terrence J.) 3
- Australian Government 3
- Baird, J. 3
- Ballard, Kath, 1930- 3
- Beeston, Joanne, compiler 3
- Best, Long John 3
- Carseldine, Garth 3
- Cilento, Raphael, Sir, 1893-1985 3
- Cleeland, Andree 3
- Co-Ordinator-General's Department, Queensland 3
- Crowley, Frank 3
- Department of Primary Industries 3
- Donohoe, James Hugh, 1941- 3
- Dunn, Judith 3
- Fellowship of Australian Writers. Redcliffe Branch 3
- Fischer, Colin Leslie, 1917- 3
- Ford, Trevor 3
- Gold, Ken 3
- Gray, Nancy 3
- Griffin, G. 3
- Guild of One Name Studies 3
- Hargraves, Lesley 3
- Harris, C. P. (Charles Percy), 1929- 3
- Hart, Duane 3
- Hey, David 3
- Humphery-Smith, Cecil R. 3
- Hutson, Greg 3
- Jaunay, Graham, 1944- 3
- Johnston, W. Ross (William Ross), 1939- 3
- Jones, Jim 3
- Kunde, John Christopher 3
- Lennon, Jane 3
- Mackenzie-Smith, John 3
- Martin, Erica 3
- McClaughlin, Trevor, 1944- 3
- McDonald, Estelle 3
- Mee, Arthur 3
- Nicholson, Ian Hawkins 3
- Nolan, Carolyn 3
- Noonuccal, Oodjeroo, 1920-1993 3
- O'Donohue, Annette 3
- P.R.S.C. 3
- Pak Poy & Associates 3
- Parsons, Ronald 3
- Parsons, Ronald, 1923- 3
- Plowman, Peter 3
- Queensland 3
- Robinson, Gail, author 3
- Ryan, James G. (James George), 1950- 3
- Sirovs, Martin G. 3
- Smee, C. J. 3
- Sparkes, A. W. 3
- Spence, Pat 3
- Stanley, T. D. (Trevor D.) 3
- Steele, John G. 3
- Turner, Pam 3
- Wallis, Sue 3
- Webb, Cliff, 1948- 3
- Webber, Brian 3
- Alick, Rosemary 2
- Allerton, Joan 2
- Beresford, Adrian Arthur 2
- Brannock Humphreys (Planning & Environment Consultants) 2
- Brown, Frank 2
- Brown, Ken 2
- Chenoweth & Associates 2
- Clancy, Melba Pearl Beresford 2
- Cook, Margaret 2
- Cooper, W. 2
- Cowburn, Hazel 2
- Davie, Peter 2
- Dean, Sue 2
- Fields, Pat 2
- Fisher, Rod, 1942- 2
- Gee, Patricia, 1945- 2
- Greimel, Bruno 2
- Juster, Marle 2
- Kerr, Ruth 2
- Lack, Clem 2
- Langevad, Gerry 2
- Latrobe, Charles Joseph, 1801-1875 2
- MacIntyre, K. F. 2
- Mace, Minnie 2
- Marquis-Kyle, Peter 2
- McKay, Judith, 1949- 2
- Mottram, Betty, author, compiler 2
- Pine Rivers Shire Council. Works and Services Department 2
- Provis, J. Selkirk 2
- Reakes, Janet, 1952- 2
- Robins, Richard 2
- Rowlands, Sheila 2
- Sandgate & District Historical Society and Museum 2
- Schmidt, Therrie 2
- Shaw, Barry, 1947- 2
- St. Ledger, Terry 2
- Stewart, Annabelle 2
- Thom, Grahame, 1940- 2
- Townsley, Madonna 2
- Vidgen, Jill 2
- Winch, Jack 2
- Aberdeen, Lynn E., 1942- 2
- Armour, Edward Grigg 2
- Armstrong, John 2
- Austin, Ronald J. (Ronald James), 1936- 2
- Bailey, Graham 2
- Baldwin, Bob 2
- Barnes, Matthew (Project manager), author 2
- Barter, Leith (Leith F.) 2
- Bateson, Charles 2
- Beeston, Joanne 2
- Bell, Joshua Peter, author 2
- Bradbury, Chris 2
- Brown, Richard 2
- Browne, Waveney 2
- Buckby, Samuel 2
- Burrows, Evan 2
- Byrne, Dianne 2
- Cairnes, Lorraine B. 2
- Carroll, Richard J. 2
- Charlwood, D. E. (Donald Ernest), 1915- 2
- Chater, Kathy 2
- Chenoweth and Associates 2
- Cilento, Raphael Sir, 1893-1985 2
- Clancy, Norman Thomas Beresford 2
- Claridge, Gordon 2
- Clark, Manning 2
- Cobley, John, 1914-1989 2
- Cohen, Kay, 1943- 2
- Colliver, F. S. 2
- Connor, Anna 2
- Coopers & Lybrand 2
- Coulston, Suzie 2
- Coungeau, E. (Emily) 2
- Creations, Muju Mundu, Artist. As told by. Author 2
- Croom, Emily Anne, 1943- 2
- Cuffley, Peter 2
- Currer-Briggs, Noel, 1919- 2
- Czechura, Gregory, 1953- 2
- Daniels, George 2
- Davenport, Winifred, author, compiler 2
- Davie, Peter 2
- Davis, Bill, 1945- 2
- Deere, Marie Elizabeth 2
- Dowling, Bernie 2
- Doyle, James, Author, Illustrator. Artist. As told by 2
- Evans, Ian, 1940- 2
- Fairweather, Ian, 1891-1974 2
- Forbes, Doug 2
- Forrest
- Personal author...