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- Oral History129
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- Strathpine (Qld.) 24
- Petrie (Qld.) 14
- Lawnton (Qld.) 9
- Kallangur (Qld.) 8
- Albany Creek (Qld.) 7
- Dayboro (Qld.) 5
- Samford (Qld.) 5
- Samsonvale (Qld.) 5
- Brendale (Qld.) 3
- Camp Mountain (Qld.) 3
- Closeburn (Qld.) 3
- Bald Hills (Qld.) 2
- Bray Park (Qld.) 2
- Clear Mountain (Qld.) 2
- Mt. Nebo (Qld.) 2
- Murrumba Downs (Qld.) 2
- Samford Village (Qld.) 2
- Sandgate (Qld.) 2
- Arana Hills (Qld.) 1
- Carseldine (Qld.) 1
- Cedar Creek (Qld.) 1
- Gaythorne (Qld.) 1
- Harrison's Pocket (Qld.) 1
- Keperra (Qld.) 1
- Mareeba (Qld.) 1
- Mt. Samson (Qld.) 1
- Narangba (Qld.) 1
- North Pine (Qld.) 1
- Ocean View (Qld.) 1
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- Redcliffe (Qld.) 1
- Terrors Creek (Qld.) 1
- Wamuran (Qld.) 1
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- Petrie, Rollo 6
- Frahm, Jeanette 3
- Hodson, Phyllis 3
- Leitch, Kevin 3
- Bowden, William (Bill) 2
- Bryce, William Keith 2
- Carseldine, Joe 2
- Edwards, Beatrice 2
- Fealy, Hazel 2
- Frahm, Walter 2
- Gold, Ken 2
- Hammermeister, Lou 2
- Hanson, Jack 2
- Kretschmann, Gladys 2
- Kruger, Frederick 2
- Marquis, Les 2
- Akers, Mary Beatrice 1
- Austin, Valmai 1
- Ballard, P. 1
- Barbour, Clifford 1
- Battershill, Noel 1
- Beakey, Keith 1
- Bell (nee Raymont), Marjorie 1
- Bell Family 1
- Bray, Ron 1
- Brunton, Christopher C. 1
- Bryce, Elizabeth 1
- Bunbury, Margaret 1
- Bunbury, William 1
- Burgess, Edwin 1
- Burgess, Jane 1
- Burns, Joan 1
- CHAPMAN, Yvonne 1
- Campbell, Peter 1
- Carseldine, Percy James 1
- Chambers, Stanley John 1
- Chapman, Daphne 1
- Chapman, Earl 1
- Chapman, Yvonne 1
- Chesney, Neil 1
- Convey, Eric 1
- Cooke, Claire 1
- Cooke, Robin 1
- Crouch, Reg 1
- Davey, George 1
- Dickens, Dennis 1
- Dickens, Reg 1
- Dohle, Betty 1
- Dohle, Dot 1
- Dohle, George 1
- Domrow, John 1
- Downes, Kay Ellen 1
- Draper, Doris 1
- Duncombe, Donald 1
- Ebert, Henry 1
- Ebert, James Robert 1
- Eccles, Lee 1
- Evans, John 1
- Ewart, Mervyn (Merv) 1
- Flynn, Doris 1
- Flynn, Jim 1
- Fogg, Mr and Mrs 1
- Francis, Brian 1
- Francis, William (Bill) Herbert 1
- Fritz, Ivor 1
- Fry, Winnie 1
- Gehrmann, August Shaw (Gus) 1
- Greenhalgh, Ethel 1
- Hall (nee Petrie), Janice 1
- Harris, Ray 1
- Herron, William 1
- Herron, William Francis 1
- Holzberger, Patricia 1
- Huckbody, Ernest Len 1
- Huckbody, Len (Earnest Leonard) 1
- Ireland, Ian 1
- Joyner, William (Graham) King 1
- Kearton, Les 1
- Kelly, Keith 1
- Kendall, Jim 1
- Kenman, George 1
- Kenman, Ian 1
- Kretschmann, Norman 1
- Kruger, Frederick (Snr.) 1
- Ladner, Gwen 1
- Lawson, Cecil 1
- Leis, Claude 1
- Lowe, Alan 1
- Manns, Thelma 1
- Marks, Roger 1
- Martin, Erica 1
- McGrath, Mike 1
- McLaughlin, Thomas 1
- McMahon, Clement (Dr) 1
- Meek, Alan 1
- Mitchell, Jack 1
- Mitchell, Jock 1
- Mitchell, Nell 1
- Mumford, Mary 1
- Myles, Herb 1
- Myles, Verna 1
- Neilson, Florence Elizabeth 1
- Oxley, James 1
- Piggott, Edgar William 1
- Protheroe, Don 1
- Protheroe, Frederick Nugent 1
- Ridley, Allan 1
- Ryan, John 1
- Shepherd, Charles 1
- Spencer, Elaine 1
- Stanton, Barry 1
- Stanton, Joyce 1
- Stephenson, Joan 1
- Stonebridge, Arthur 1
- Streeter, Julius 'J' 1
- Swan, Bill 1
- Wallin, Ann 1
- Williamson, Betty 1
- Winn, Rhylle 1
- Wyllie, Alexander Jackson 1
- Wyllie, James 1
- Wyllie, John 1
- Young, Wallace 1
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